083. Kelly McMahon

What services do you believe are most important for the ACT? Any service/s that stop drug users using and dealers selling drugs. Any service that helps and prevents mental health issues. Recycling and waste management service's.
How can the ACT Government deliver current services more efficiently and productively or to better meet the needs of Canberrans?Less process and policy, more doing/action. Advertise program's that you run. Get 25-40 year olds more involved in planning and forums.
Are there particular services that you think the ACT Government can improve?ACT should have the capability to recycle all plastic types. Money should be spent on getting waste sorted and any recyclable materials, recycled. There also needs to be more education.
What can the ACT Government do to make Canberra even more liveable?Event? Free sunscreen. Give each household a package that includes reusable wrap to replace their clingwrap etc.