45. Anonymous

45. Anonymous

What services do you believe are most important for the Territory? HEALTH - However, the cost of Surgeons and Specialist doctors in the ACT hospital system (and the ACT Generally) is considerably overpriced. Gouging by these professionals needs to be controlled. Ongoing review of contracts should include comparisons with costs of other (smaller) state hospitals. There must be any other specialists in the country if the current incumbents are too expensive.

EDUCATION - More emphasis on the basics - Language, Math, Science. Less on 'social' science areas. This can be addressed later as a matter of choice - at Uni. We want ACT Student knowledge to be the envy of the world.

SERVICES - that are available to ALL. Adequate and PROPERLY functioning Public Toilets where they are needed. (ie - Fyshwick is heavily used - need for more. Phillip - poorly retrofitted dual flush that don't work properly and regularly 'run' etc etc). Fewer 'specialised' services the only service the privileged few (too much spent on bike paths which are poorly/little utilised)

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND BETTER SERVICES FOR BUSINESS - They have the potential to earn money for the ACT. Should be encouraging business, not taxing them out of the state. ACT Government currently relies on gouging from home owners and landlords for financing the territory. This is bound to backfire.
More Loading Zones in business areas and policing of the use of these zones (specifically). This sort of thing keeps business moving. Too often you see vans etc in areas like Braddon double parked because the loading zone is being used or a non commercial vehicle is parked in the Loading Zones. The incorrect person is the fined!
How can the Government deliver current services more efficiently or in ways that better meet the needs of our community?HOUSING - PROPER and ADEQUATE overseeing of the ACT Housing tenants. The real estate portfolio held by the ACT is an incredible Community Asset. This is being neglected by the ACT Government. A proper maintenance program should be introduced with the cost of intentional damage being deducted (garnishee) from tenants income/social security payments. ACT Government tenants should have regular inspections, such as those that private rental tenants undergo (6 monthly). Tenants circumstances change. This should be more adequately policed and tenants with improved circumstances, moved on into the private rental market.

TRANSPORT - Perhaps look at 'mini buses' for less busy routes or outside the busy periods - in small 'loop' areas.
ACT GOVERNMENT MOTOR VEHICLES - Too many. Often used by public servants for private purposes. This should be cut back. Also, smaller, price effective vehicles (nothing over a certain price point). After all, they are only held for a few years before being sold on......

MUNICIPAL SERVICES - Review current pay/work levels of Public Servants. How many are employed at the first two lower levels? The lower levels are there for a reason........ Are too many at a higher level and being overpaid for what they do. This could well make for a more 'cost efficient' ACT government.
Are there particular services that you think the Government should stop delivering or should deliver in a different way?STOP - The glossy brochure. Just how much does this cost? Social media and the regular press is adequate. All ACT Government is doing is 'selling' themselves to the cost of the public purse! By the way - IT IS JUNK MAIL - and I don't want it in my mailbox!!!
What new ideas, services or programs should the Government consider to meet emerging or evolving community needs?Seriously, just looking after what we already have. Doing more is not necessarily better. Having assets that work and are well maintained (MANAGED) and repaired is the important thing. Expansion isn't always better.

On the spot fines for:
Smokers dropping butts
People who don't pick up their doggie doo
Registration of cats (all cats should be microchipped - as with dogs).
Impounding of stray cats.