44. Anonymous

44. Anonymous

What services do you believe are most important for the Territory? Transport and sustainability.
How can the Government deliver current services more efficiently or in ways that better meet the needs of our community?-
Are there particular services that you think the Government should stop delivering or should deliver in a different way?Please consider building better active travel infrastructure instead of more roads and more lanes on existing roads. All this is doing is encouraging more traffic.
What new ideas, services or programs should the Government consider to meet emerging or evolving community needs?

The Government needs to better support active travel in the city centre. Encouraging greater walkability, cycling, and public transport will not only have many social and economic benefits, but with the upcoming achievement of 100% renewable energy generation it would reduce our emissions as transport is fast becoming a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions for the ACT.

I have two suggestions:

Remove a lane from Northbourne Avenue and install a bike lane. With so many car lanes it encourages driving more than any other form of transport. It is far too dangerous for cycling and the current configuration cuts our city in half. This was specifically mentioned by the Dutch Cycling Ambassador on his ACT Government sponsored trip to Canberra: https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2017/05/09/improving-active-travel-in-canberra/

Remove Parkes Way and replace it with a local-type city street. This is a major highway that cuts the lake off from the city centre and that is not necessary for east-west travel. There are many many other alternatives to travel in those directions. Canberra would be a much safer and friendlier city without this highway running through it. This was also not in Walter Burley Griffin's plan to have such a busy, unattractive road running through our city.