17. Carers ACT Limited

Please provide a brief summary of your suggestion.

Carers ACT's 2018-19 ACT Budget Submissions focuses on the development and implementation of the ACT Carers Strategy based on a deliberative democracy process involving carers and the wider community. The deliberative process looked at "what would a carer friendly Canberra look like?" A deliberative panel - the Carers Voice Panel - has developed a foundation document for consideration by the Government.

What services do you believe are most important for the Territory? A carer-friendly Canberra for the nearly unpaid 50,000 carers caring for family members, friends of neighbours with a disability, a chronic condition, mental illness or disorder, drug and alcohol issues or who are frail. Many Canberrans are also providing care as Kinship and Foster carers for children and young people who are in out of home care.
How can the Government deliver current services more efficiently and productively or to better meet the needs of Canberrans?The deliberative democracy process to develop an ACT Carers Strategy highlights how the Government can better recognise and respond to the needs of carers, their rights, choices and opportunities to participate fully in all areas of life.
Are there particular services that you consider the Government should stop delivering or should deliver in a different way?Please refer to the carers strategy for the ACT foundation document produced by the Carers Voice Panel which is being considered by the Government.
Are there any new ways to generate revenue and/or services you consider that the community should make a direct contribution to (a fee for service)?Not addressed in our submission.
What can the Government do to make Canberra even more liveable?Make Canberra a more friendly and inclusive city for carers and the people they care for, including accessibility to public places, increased disability parking spaces, improved wheelchair access to places carers and the people they care for regularly access, and time out or quiet places in shopping centres and public buildings.